[JPN]ACDC RAG デザインコンテスト2024 テンプレートダウンロードページ

[About the Design Contest]
The ACDC RAG Design Contest is an open competition that has been held since 2019.
Anyone can participate via Instagram, and if your design is selected, it will be turned into an official product!
This is your chance to showcase your design to the world and join us in shaping Harajuku culture together!
We’re excited to welcome more creative minds to the ACDC RAG community.
Check out the official contest Instagram here:

[How to Enter]
① Follow us on Instagram
② Download the template Visit the contest page to download the template (PC only) and create your design.
③ Post your design on Instagram Tag the two accounts above in your design post and include these two hashtags in your caption:
④ Submission period
January 6th 7pm JST - January 27th 7pm JST
Once your post is submitted, we’ll find it through the tags and repost it on the official contest account.

[Selection Process]
The ACDC RAG design team and all staff will carefully review the entries and select one or more designs for each category.
Previously, we also chose designs based on the number of likes, but to ensure fairness, we’ve updated the rules.
However, we will still consider likes and comments for reference, so feel free to rally support for your favorite designs!

① A copy of the finalized clothing item featuring your design
② A ¥10,000 coupon to use on the official ACDC RAG online store
③ Your name (or artist name) featured on ACDC RAG’s social media and website

[Design Details]
We are accepting T-shirt designs in the following categories:
You can submit one design per category or multiple designs across different categories,
but please note: only one design per category is allowed.

[Contest Timeline]
① Template download begins: December 13, 7:00 PM (JST)
② Submission period starts: January 6, 7:00 PM (JST)
③ Submission period ends: January 27, 7:00 PM (JST)
④Selection & results announcement: January 31

[Important Notes]
・Be sure to tag the accounts and include the specified hashtags in your Instagram post. Once verified, your design will be reposted on the official contest account.
・Entries that infringe on copyright, portrait rights, or use AI-generated designs will not be accepted. Designs must be 100% original. If an issue is discovered after selection, the design may be modified or disqualified.
・While NSFW designs are allowed, overly explicit content should be avoided.
・Avoid content with racist, political, or discriminatory themes.
・Designs will be printed on T-shirts. Special processes like embroidery are not available.
・Please read the rules included in the downloadable materials before submitting.
・No charge to download the template.

Good luck, and let’s create something amazing together!

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